Saturday, March 29, 2008
Quack quack
My newest venture is hatching two duck eggs that were found at my friend Misty's house. They are in a styrofoam incubator that regulates the temperature, although I don't think it does a good job. I tried candling them last night to see if anything was happening, but I couldn't tell much. If this works it will be a miracle! And then of course I will have 2 ducks to deal with. I haven't thought that far ahead, but Misty LOVES ducks....
My dear friend Heather let me dig up tons of strawberries at her house, so I transplanted them 2 days ago. I have read that the first year you should pinch off all the flowers so that the root systems can really get going. I don't know if I can do this. I have enough trouble thinning out seedlings. I feel like a murderer. And the thought of juicy strawberries ... yummmmmmm.
I have added some photos, just to see if it works. In one of them, it is my shed that I want to put a greenhouse coming off the front. It will be fabulous!
Today it will be sunny but on the cool side, 40's and 50's, so I think I will plant out my onion sets ( I know - I am late doing this!!) I also want to seed more spinach. My last attempt did nothing. The "soil" in my raised beds is really poor. It was free stuff from my husband's store when they were excavating. Very clay and poorly drained. So I hauled some sand from the creek edge and mixed it in one area, just to see what would happen. It at least LOOKS better. But I have lots of soil improvements ahead of me.
My kids are bugging me for french toast, so I must go be a slave to the masses. That's okay, I like it too!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Blew a Fuse, or something.....
Well, I was trying to plug in another grow-light and I blew the whole operation. Must be too much wattage, or a bad light, according to JP. I am really bummed. I may have to move everything to a new locale where it won't blow a breaker, which entails me moving 10 thousand other things..Deep breathe in, blow it out...
Plants are coming along nicely, though. I seeded some lettuce and I'm going to plant it in the garden in really obsessive-compulsive ways. Very neat, orderly rows.
Spring break is almost over - I thought it would never end!! I love my girls like crazy, but keeping them entertained has worn me out. On the plus side, we have a 3 foot volcano that looks like a pile of "poo" (Maddie said that). But I think it will be really cool when it is painted more colors than just brown. PLUS we are putting actual "ash" on it. PLUS some moss. I should take a picture of this artwork.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Proof of my Ineptness???
I've been reading Ekhart Tollie's book recently about finding your purpose in life. So far we have discussed the ego endlessly, and I still have trouble comprehending it completely. Sometimes I have a glimmer of understanding, and then it goes away. But I am trying to be conscious of what life is trying to tell me. I am constantly trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing, and if I am already doing it. Or am I missing some divine sign about life's meaning, and I'm just too dense to get it? I feel tons of guilt about staying home, and why do I get to do this and other people have to work 10 hours a day and have long commutes and complicated lives. My life is really simple compared to all that. These are the things on my mind now-a-days. I will be 40 next year and I feel like I have not much to show for it. MIDLIFE CRISIS.
So, on the seed front, my basil peeped through, as did one little parsley. I sowed some Johnny-jump-ups and some coleus. It is pretty obsessive. Everytime I go to the loo I have to check the progress of my seeds, and I go to the loo a lot. I drink a glass of water every 1/2 hour!! We had a few days of warm nice springy weather, but now it is cold and rainy. I try not to get to excited, it is the middle of March for peep's sake!! I predict a snow storm for Easter. I won't be dissappointed if it does. I say that now......
I am going to up load some photos now. also, I might change over my blog to wordpress, because you can get your stuff bound into a book. I know this because I read Rebecca's blog about it. It sounds really cool.
On a funny note, while I was trying to organize some photos on the computer, I was finding all these photos that my daughter took of her Calico Critters in different scenarios. It was really cute.
Okay, I really tried to upload my photos, but they did not want to right now. Maybe tomorrow. Later!!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Birdy, birdy in the sky, Why'd you do that on my.....
The grow area I have set up is 36" wide by 24" deep and I am not sure how tall. taller than me, at least. I positioned it in front of the bathroom window, so there is a blue-ish glow coming from the room. JP is concerned that people will think we are propagating illegal substances. I am not worried. If they come knocking, I will show my goods.
We had a busy weekend. Maddie is involved in a group called "Destination Imagination", and she had a competition on Saturday. Sunday we skipped church - my bad - and slept in. My sister Paula was visiting, so maybe that is a good-enough excuse. We joined up with the Gibson's and went to the MHS production of "High School Musical". I was impressed! It was enjoyable and the kids liked it. We then invaded the Gibson's to watch "Extreme Home Makeover". It is so strange to see local stuff on a national tv show. Then home and to bed. Today is a quiet day for me, so far, as everyone is back to school and work. I did work out, which felt good, but now I have "rubber leg syndrome". And then I ate cookies. Hey - the sooner they are gone, the sooner I can proceed to my healthy eating plan!!
There is a bird that flogs itself ALL DAY LONG against my mud room window. Maybe it is mating season? Maybe it is fighting with itself? Maybe it just wants to poop all over the windows, I do not know. But it does bring back memories of a certain song and all the creative verses that can be made...(Birdy, birdy in the tree, Why'd you do that on my Knee? On the line, in my wine? In the bush, on my tush? Do you remember that HILARIOUS song???!!!)
Another thing I've been looking at online is bathing suit patterns. I can never find a suit that I feel totally comfortable in. What I want is a 50's style 2-piece, boy-short bottoms with a halter top that extends down over the torso. It would be so cute in a gingham pattern. I am not that good a seamstress, though, and can see myself struggling with the fitting part. I will have to get my loverly sister Rachel to help me!! Hint hint, come visit soon.
I need to download some more pics of the garden. Maybe tomorrow.....
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Poetic musings on a holly tree
So this is a photo of the garden in the winter. I'm not sure the exact date, but it was in January. I took some photos last week that I will post later. The fenced in area in the background is the veg garden that I want to expand. I would LOVE to have a fruit patch. Now I have a corner inside the fence with raspberries (which I also pruned yesterday - ouch!), but they tend to grow into everything else.
I am keeping watch on the Lenten Roses, they have huge buds. I have lots of self-seeded tiny babies that I will pot up and perhaps plant under the dreaded holly tree. UGGGHH-- now that I mentioned it :
MY HATRED OF THE HOLLY TREE - Oh, how I hate you, horrendous holly tree. You are a confused freak of nature, the rock in my shoe. Your twisted, knarled branches drop spikey, sharp leaves that litter my lawn like so many yellow-colored spinefish. Poison spews forth from the suckers sent up that try to live!! HA! HA! I cut them down to the ground and spit on the remains.
So poetic, don't you think? Obviously, I have a problem with this tree. Just when I am ready to work in the perennial bed and do fun relaxing spring things, it drops its leaves everywhere,over weeks and weeks. And who rakes all these leaves so that we can have a nice green lawn?? ME of course, me. Husband likes this stupid tree because it is BIG. Big deal, I say. Then you rake. He won't, of course. enough for now. I will keep you posted on the comings and goings of this wart of a tree.
Weather: rainy, cloudy
Temp: 52 F