My newest venture is hatching two duck eggs that were found at my friend Misty's house. They are in a styrofoam incubator that regulates the temperature, although I don't think it does a good job. I tried candling them last night to see if anything was happening, but I couldn't tell much. If this works it will be a miracle! And then of course I will have 2 ducks to deal with. I haven't thought that far ahead, but Misty LOVES ducks....
My dear friend Heather let me dig up tons of strawberries at her house, so I transplanted them 2 days ago. I have read that the first year you should pinch off all the flowers so that the root systems can really get going. I don't know if I can do this. I have enough trouble thinning out seedlings. I feel like a murderer. And the thought of juicy strawberries ... yummmmmmm.
I have added some photos, just to see if it works. In one of them, it is my shed that I want to put a greenhouse coming off the front. It will be fabulous!
Today it will be sunny but on the cool side, 40's and 50's, so I think I will plant out my onion sets ( I know - I am late doing this!!) I also want to seed more spinach. My last attempt did nothing. The "soil" in my raised beds is really poor. It was free stuff from my husband's store when they were excavating. Very clay and poorly drained. So I hauled some sand from the creek edge and mixed it in one area, just to see what would happen. It at least LOOKS better. But I have lots of soil improvements ahead of me.
My kids are bugging me for french toast, so I must go be a slave to the masses. That's okay, I like it too!!