I have a few updates. The ewe that was going to explode, she only had twins. For real! I was shocked there weren't five lambs in there. She started laboring early Friday morning. I was able to take pictures, until we had to ASSIST! I knew this was going to happen! My pics are pretty graphic, more for my observations than for public consumption, so I will spare you those. JP came home from work, and after watching this poor sheep struggle for TOO LONG we had to pull the lamb out. Very quickly after that another slipped out. Unfortunately, mama sheep was not interested in her babies at all. She wouldn't clean them off, or even look at them. This started our stressful weekend. We were not going to let her get away with this, if only for the fact that I did not want to be bottle-feeding two babies around the clock for weeks. What we did was this: One of us would hold onto mama around the neck, and the other would gather babies and help them nurse. The first day mama wanted to struggle and we would have to chase her around the barn to catch her, but she finally knew that when we came in, DARN IT, she was going to have to let these annoying babies nurse. On Sunday JP went out to check on them and couldn't believe it - she was standing there letting them nurse BY HERSELF. Shocking, really. So there you have it. Now they are all out in the pasture, and it is a distant (for mama, at least) memory.
I took some self-portraits of myself with a lamb. Sans makeup, grey hair and all. That is how much I love everyone and want them to see lamby up-close. It has rained on and off since last night, and thankfully cooled off. So I took some pics of the farm today. I love days like this. I have nothing against the sun. I usually feel more cheerful when it is sunny. But I loooove a rainy, cool, grey day.