You wait patiently, and then impatiently for your tomatoes to grow and ripen. Magically overnight they are red and ripe. Cancel, all appointments and plans. You must now can these hard-won fruits. Such was my day. Once I get into the mind-set I actually enjoy canning. I turned on my WVPR and grooved to some classical music. I wore a groovy scarf on my head. When did I become a scarf-wearing person? I remember Mom wearing one when she made bread. We had to go over her person to make sure there were no stray hairs anywhere. (Who wants hair in bread? yuck.) My sisters (in the 70's) wore scarves. And now I carry on the tradition.
Tomorrow I hope to borrow Heather's pressure canner and "put up" some beans and beets.

I love beets! I make a delicious Russian Borscht. I'll post the recipe someday when I make it.
Pop! Pop! My jars are sealed!