We are home after a little R & R at my sisters. Back to reality....
I need to pick up the house and do laundry (the usual) but I also want to set up my seed-starting station today. I am going to put it in the bathroom this time. I thought the warm moist environment would be good.
First to start would be:
leeks, onions, basil and parsley, some annual flowers.
I think I will wait longer to start my tomatoes and peppers this time. It would help if I actually used a calendar and counted back from the frost date to determine this information. In fact, maybe I'll pick up a calendar today when I go into town.
I have so many half-done projects and projects in the wings right now. The promise of spring is giving me some motivation. Yesterday at my sister's in Virginia it was 72 and when we got back to Fairmont it was 32. A 40 degree drop!! Geez -
Am making mental list of things to do and things to buy.
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