I have hit, and keep hitting, that Winter Wall. Let me explain. It is like the winter blues, but has a lot of guilt thrown in and peppered with regret. Still don't understand? Okay, there is WAY too much time to think and be introspective, way too much time by myself (not really a BAD thing, but adult conversation is nice), look outside and be wistful. I'm ready to get going in the dirt, but winter is really just here, so it will be a while. So then I start thinking what needs done that CAN be done now, such as repair leaking roof in my shed, and it just doesn't sound like much fun to do, therefore I don't do it and then I feel guilty for not exercising everyday like I should. It taunts me...really. Okay, I promise I will use the elliptical today. But it is so hard when you don't have a mindless tv show to focus on while you sweat. I'm trying to use it as my meditation time. My mantra "this sucks, this sucks,(repeat)" or "it's hot in here, (repeat)" or "time up yet? (repeat)". Do you detect a lack of focus? I think I need a project.
Plus, my good vacuum cleaner broke, I ordered a new part, will be here on Tuesday, but my floor is dirty NOW.
I have to make cupcakes for Claudia's birthday party on Sunday. We are going bowling and having pizza. But before that, she is invited to a party tonight, tomorrow is Megan's birthday party at Valley Worlds of Fun. So many parties!! Party on.
Did I mention my birthday is February 28? I'm trying to think of what to do that would be fun and meaningful. So far I have nothing.
Okay, even I am getting bored reading this, so I'll leave now. Bye!