Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year, Already???

I just can't believe Christmas is over. I took the kids to the bus stop today, so it is back to a "normal" life. I kind of got used to them being home, and hate to see them go. Mom came for a short visit over New Years, which was nice. I really thought we would not see her until spring.

So this New Year thing has me thinking...I can't believe how quickly the time truly passes. I will be 40 this year - I cannot believe it. I'm not sure if I will have a "special" birthday. Part of me thinks that it is just best not to make a big deal out of it. I really don't like parties and would prefer to just have a quiet day to myself. Speaking of parties, Claudia will be 8 on the 13th. Once again, I can't believe it. She is my baby, and it is hard to see her grow up. Maddie just races toward adulthood. She always has wanted to be independent. But Claudia always says she wants to stay little. I guess I am going to miss having them small enough to hold close.

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