So, way before I was born, or even conceived, my parents hosted an exchange student from Sweden. I guess maybe he was homesick or something, and mentioned that he loved Swedish pancakes. My mother's ear's of course perked up, "what is a Swedish pancake?". And so the legend begins. These were not everyday fare. We would have them for desert, maybe once a year. To start with, you need a "plet" pan, or a mini-pancake maker pan. My loving sister Rachel bought one for me years ago. (Thank you sister) The batter is basically crepe batter, very egg-y and delicious. Then you need sour cream (I often use plain yogurt because I never have sour cream), and lingonberry sauce. I NEVER have lingonberries (unless I go to IKEA), so we substitute cranberries. Once you have assembled all these ingredients, you get to stacking it up. Pancake, sour cream, berries, pancake, sour cream, berries, etc. I like to stack about 5 or 6. Then once you put your fork into it, it all falls to pieces into a gooey, delicious mess. I love it so much.
Swedish Pancakes
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups milk
3/4 cup flour
3 TBSP sugar
3 TBSP oil (I use canola)
Beat eggs well and add sugar, salt and flour and milk. Add oil and blend all together (I use a food processor or hand-held mixer). Get out your "Plett" pan. I use 1 TBSP batter for each cake. Make pancake ahead of time and store in fridge. Serve with cooked cranberries and unsweetened yogurt.
1 comment:
please send me some of these, too. Get to work.
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