Here are the pics of the baby goats. They really are cute. My friend Misty just got 2 baby goats, also, so I can't wait to see hers. I can't think of the name of the genetically small goats, dwarf? midget? little people goats? for goodness sake...anyway, that's the kind she got. I MIGHT consider a small breed. Maybe they'd be less likely to jump fences. Reminds me of another thing I MUST do. I have to call the lady to shear our sheep. They look so hot. It is 75 outside, and only April 9. I wouldn't want to wear a wool coat today, would you? I don't think I have mentioned the baby rabbits...long story, try to make it short. We had 3 bunnies originally. They grew up, and one died and two escaped. We were under the (mistaken) impression that they were males, but now we have babies in the barn. They are so cute, but I can't catch them. The girls are just out of their minds, they want to hold them so bad. If I could catch them we would put them in the cages again for another go. Then there are also the duck eggs, which are doing fine. They feel heavy, which I think is a good sign. I read that a couple days before they are scheduled to hatch you stop turning them. Maybe this really ticks them off and pushes them to peck out of the egg. Anyway, the due date is April 18, so I will definitely be very busy that day. Just standing. Looking. Waiting.....
I'm trying to finish laying the stone pathway. I'm running out of flat rocks. Need a round rock? We got 'em!! I've been scouring the creek bed and woods for suitable shapes. It doesn't even have to be really "flat". I noticed when I was outside that lots of flying things have hatched and are everywhere. My daughter Maddie will LOVE this. She is petrified of any buzzing sound. I'm always saying "It's only a fly". Well, the carpenter bees are out, and they are BIG. But the good news is that we love to hit them with badminton rackets.
I don't think I completely understand how to import photos to my blog. I'm sure Heather will help me with that....!!
This weekend is JP's birthday, you know what that means!! CLEAN HOUSE!! Yes, the in-laws are coming. I'll just leave it at that.
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