The ducks hatched!! They are so adorable (so far), and small and fuzzy. Maddie and Claudia just love to hold them and play with them. The dogs are VERY interested, maybe TOO interested! I have them in a plastic tub in the bathroom with a light on them, container of water and food. I lined the bottom with old towels and rags, to prevent slippage. It's very cozy.
I've been working outside this morning. Working some raised beds to plant beets and kale. The sheep are out grazing, and all I have going through my head is "Sheep May Safely Graze" by Bach?? Anyway, I'm trying to train Claradog not to chase them. She's been pretty good at listening to my voice, by she wants to run after them so badly, you can tell. I also weeded some in the border around the future chicken coop. Martha Stewart had/has roses growing around her chickens, and it looks so pretty. I want to copy that look, but in order to do that I must dig out all the weeds. I'm not sure what kind of weed it is, but it is like a rope with all these little plants on it, and the roots go on forever.
On a sad note, Maddie is getting a cavity filled today. We tried to get it done at the regular dentist, but she had a total panic attack. So we are trying it with happy drugs this time. I told her I will sit on her if I have to. She is a bear at the dentist, doctor, or anywhere where she in not in total control. Say a prayer for us both!!
It is heavenly outside: 65 and p/cloudy or p/sunny, depending on your mood!!
1 comment:
OH MY GOODNESS those ducks are so cute. From here I can't smell their poop. I like the checkered towel -- verrrrrrrry M.S.
I was just reading another blog -- of a woman in Australia who is doing something with horticulture there, and she managed to propagate ferns from spores. Mine have done nothing (aided by Joshua knocking both containers off the windowsill). WHY CAN'T I MAKE THIS WORK?!?!? Where is the love, Mother Nature?
When I look out my window at my yard, I am so overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of me that I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for a few days. So much to be done -- mostly to eliminate the patches of sickly grass trying to survive in mostly shade, which I refuse to resuscitate. It's just going to have to die a slow death until I can put in walls and backfill and create terraces in the side of the ridiculously steep hill on the top of which my life teeters precariously.
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