Sheep and wool festival was great fun. I have some pictures!! The weather was perfect for us - not too hot and very breezy. I purchased some dyes for my rug I am working on. I need an orange-y kind of rust color for my pumpkin. I am hoping to get it done so I can submit it at Jackson's Mill on Labor Day weekend. Anyway, we had good times at Paula and Joe's, and made it back safely.
Today is Saturday, and it is rainy and cool. I don't mind at all. I love the rain, and it is good for my seeds outside. I planted carrots, more lettuce and kale. The peas are getting about 8 inches tall. Strawberries have tiny green berries on them - need to get netting to protect them, and of course, STRAW!!!!! That really is all I want for Mother's Day. 3 bales of straw!!!
Ducks are growing like mad. I took them outside with me yesterday while I raked the HOLLY LEAVES (see previous posts). I did have to lock the dogs up. They are a little too interested in ducks. Misty duck-sat for me over last weekend, Thank you!! I've decided I will be upset if something eats my ducks. Even though they poop all the time, I do really like them.
JP had his lasik surgery, and all went well!! He can see! Aside from some minor irritation from the procedure, he is doing great.
Okay, I need to get some work done around here, but I am posting some various pics from last weekend and ducks and others.
1 comment:
Hi! Those are some seriously cute ducks. I need to come and visit my duck nieces (nephews? - how do you tell? - from their feathers?).
I am officially notifying you that I am going to propagate more ferns from spores! I bought a "shaggy shield fern" (dryopteris atrata) because it is completely loaded with sori -- I cut the frond with the ripe sori and put it in an envelope to dry. I'll let you have some when they're ready to be separated from their momma (me). If you're interested, I could send you some spores so you can try growing some.
Don't you wish your girlfriend could sow spores like me?!?
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