It's been awhile. Really, I should have blogged more. It has been rainy and cool for about a week, but now the sun is shining. I have been working on my rug-hooking, and I had some adventures in dyeing wool. It was lots of fun! It took a few tries to get the color I was looking for, but there are no mistakes. You just save the "wrong" color for another project, or "over-dye" it into another color, which is what I did with the day-glo orange color I created. I wanted a more antique color, so I over-dyed with a bronze, which gave it a greenish tint, therefore, deepening the orange color. Then I started hooking the pumpkin part of the rug. I really should take some pics of said rug. It's my first big project with hooking, and maybe I bit off more than I should have!
Yesterday was finally dry enough to garden. I planted out my leek transplants - hundreds!! I am still not done. I am out of space in the bed, so I will scatter some leeks around some rose bushes, I think. I put out tomatoes, but they look quite sickly - they need some sun and heat. Today I plan to put out peppers (sweet banana), do another planting of lettuce, seed some annual flowers throughout. I had to dig up some sedum from the per. border, and then planted in pots (thanks for the inspiration, Paula!). I also need to mow and rake, start cleaning out the future chicken pen and mulch, mulch, mulch.
Maddie has had play practice every night this week. I have enjoyed watching the practices. Pretty soon they will start rehearsals at the Fort. The kids are doing an amazing job. The whole play is choreographed and danced, so Maddie is on stage at all times, as are all the other members. It is a lot of work for them. JP and Claudia have had quality bonding time in the evenings. Last night they went to the parade for the "Three Rivers Festival", and then ate hotdogs.
Get this - tonight JP and I are going on a date!! We celebrated our 14th anniversary on Wednesday. He gave me beautiful earrings. Wow! I was not expecting that. But of course I had to go to the college for practice. Heather L. is having the girls spend the night tonight - it is not very often JP and I go out together. Its really difficult when my mom lives so far away. But I so appreciate it, Heather! We may even see a movie tonight! All this means that I have to get all my "dirty" work done and then cleaned up for the evening.
Okay, I have some pictures. For my sister Rachel, here is a photo of Grandma Sexton's ferns:
I honestly don't know why the photos don't go where I want them to. @@#$&%^$!!!
You are such a hooker.
Those ferns are beautiful! I'm not sure, but I think they might be lady ferns. Do they last all summer, or do they go dormant when the weather gets too hot? I'll need to get some of those next time I come.
I am so glad this day is over. We had great success with our babysitter. And now I want to go to bed for two days.
I *really* like the ferns.
I got a clump of ferns from Mom's house today - the ones Ross James planted.
Also, I cut a fern frond from my plant that is continually producing spores - and put it in an envelope to bring to your house - so we can try to bring them life when I come to visit. Whenever that is.
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