Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chickens love Japanese Beetles!

Yes, it is true! I have the chickens outside in a modified, screened cagey thing. When they find a beetle, they go berserk, holding it in their mouths and running willy-nilly all over, all the while peeping crazily!! Of course, all the chickens follow and try to steal the beetle. In my opinion, if the dumb chicken would just act nonchalant, then NOBODY would even know she had something. HA HA. At any rate, they are getting big, so here are some pictures!


Rachel Bozorth said...

I can't believe the chicks are getting so big! Whatever happened to the one with the crooked beak?

Rebecca said...

Those are great pictures of chicks! I would love to have some, but we just don't have the room.