Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Am Lazy

That's all. Just wanted to share. I have been sitting by the fireplace for about 8 hours straight. I did take a break to sleep during the night. I should help in the kitchen, but, well, I'd probably just be in the way. So, I will continue to be lazy and work on a puzzle. This is the life.....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Over the River and Through the Woods...

Things to take to Paula's:

snow boots
long johns
sweaters (2)

crafty stuff i.e. knitting, ornament kits

food i.e. fresh eggs, bread dough, recipe book for rolls, Brussels sprouts,

candle for Paula
music cd's
video camera

Oh, the fun we will have! I have it all planned. Crafts beside the fire. Walks through the woods. Sledding on the snowy hills (please snow!), eating toasted homemade bread with melty butter, and many other sedentary activities that involve me sitting beside the fire. Oh yes, and eating turkey!! I do love turkey. Some people just eat it because you are supposed to, but I really do love it. Especially with gravy....mmmmmmmm.

Then on Friday, perhaps a jaunt into the little town of Purcellville to do some "black Friday" shopping at this awesome gift/drug store. They always have the best ornaments and decorations. Then my sister got some tickets for us to see some live music, bluegrass, I think.

Did I mention the roaring fire? My b-i-l is a superb fire-maker and fire-keeper-upper. When I am here at home I always have to get logs and keep things going. This will truly be a vacation. Plus I get to be with my favorite people. Except I will miss Rachel, who needs to be in Boston.

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Snow Day!!!

Yippee!! The first snow day. And it is November! I used to love snow days. Now, not so much. I am challenging myself to not be a grump today and try to go with the flow. They had their snow clothes on at 7am. (deep breathe) And now they are raiding the kitchen and wanting hot cocoa and wanting a fire and wanting breakfast, and "hey mom, look at this!" and messing up my kitchen!! But it is fine...I am cool and calm. Despite the fact that I have to clean house and get ready for Maddie's birthday on Wednesday. And I realized that I am out of sugar! I can't believe it. That has never happened. How am I supposed to bake a cake with no sugar? Plus, I don't have cream cheese for the icing. I guess I will wait until this evening when JP can bring me my supplies. In the meantime, there is plenty to do.

We had a nice time when Mom visited. Unfortunately, she left early on account of the snow coming. It is a good thing she did!! Maddie had a class assignment to interview an "older" person. So we (me) decided to video-tape it. I'm so glad we did. I plan to take the camera to Thanksgiving, also. It has been ages since we used the camera. I don't really know why. Life gets hectic, I guess. But we had so much fun looking at old movies, so I'm going to try harder.

It is so pretty outside. Dear God, give me patience to be a good parent today.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm sitting here at the computer with my daughter's "blankie" wrapped around me because the house is cold. It is 70 outside, so I can't turn on the heat, but I could get a sweatshirt, I guess. I'm taking a break from housework and a semi-failed sewing project. Project was supposed to solve all my gift-giving dilemmas, and not bankrupt me for Christmas. Maybe I can get it to work. I love the IDEA of giving handmade gifts, but it takes so much time!!@ I guess that is the point...

I have started getting gorgeous green eggs. I've gotten 3 so far. I haven't eaten one yet, they are kind of small, so I am saving them up for the weekend. It is so satisfying to get an egg out of a nest. I am a city girl, never done that before! It is so thrilling. The girls have taken to arguing about who gets to actually pull the egg out. They can find ANYTHING to fight about.

The election is over, thank goodness. I am pleased with the results, and feel excited about the potential of our new president. I know not everyone agrees, but hopefully everyone can understand what a HUGE deal for our country this is. Okay, I'll shut up...

Now if only I could figure out what's for dinner. It seems that if I do a few big jobs in a day, I have no energy to cook in the evening. I'd better pull something out of the freezer, though. The kids will be home soon, and then it is hard to concentrate on anything besides homework.

Does anyone need a dog?
