Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Snow Day!!!

Yippee!! The first snow day. And it is November! I used to love snow days. Now, not so much. I am challenging myself to not be a grump today and try to go with the flow. They had their snow clothes on at 7am. (deep breathe) And now they are raiding the kitchen and wanting hot cocoa and wanting a fire and wanting breakfast, and "hey mom, look at this!" and messing up my kitchen!! But it is fine...I am cool and calm. Despite the fact that I have to clean house and get ready for Maddie's birthday on Wednesday. And I realized that I am out of sugar! I can't believe it. That has never happened. How am I supposed to bake a cake with no sugar? Plus, I don't have cream cheese for the icing. I guess I will wait until this evening when JP can bring me my supplies. In the meantime, there is plenty to do.

We had a nice time when Mom visited. Unfortunately, she left early on account of the snow coming. It is a good thing she did!! Maddie had a class assignment to interview an "older" person. So we (me) decided to video-tape it. I'm so glad we did. I plan to take the camera to Thanksgiving, also. It has been ages since we used the camera. I don't really know why. Life gets hectic, I guess. But we had so much fun looking at old movies, so I'm going to try harder.

It is so pretty outside. Dear God, give me patience to be a good parent today.

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