Friday, April 25, 2008

Cheap Roses

My camera's batteries died, so I can't take pictures. I really meant to get those yesterday when I was at (bleh) Walmart. Forgot...but I did get some climbing roses for really cheap on clearance, so my dream of having a romantic chicken coop is becoming a reality. I just have to weed the area - ha!- and plant them. I also want to plant out carrots and leeks and maybe more lettuce today. But I feel so sleepy, or emotionally drained. But I need to re-charge because it is officially the weekend and let the fun begin.

My dilemma: I need to get 3 dogs and 3 cats to the rabies clinic all at the same time, and my girls, also. Last year I took just the dogs, and that was bad enough!! Capone almost bit the technician when she tried to lift his @#@** butt onto the table. He is getting so old. I noticed he limps for awhile after he gets up after a nap. That's a new thing. Clara, the youngest dog, insists on digging a
2 ft. hole to nap in. Any suggestions? And Homer, the co-dependent one just looks at me longingly all day. Ducks are good: eat,poop,eat,poop, etc.

Another beautiful day 80 and sunny. Put on your sunscreen and wear a hat!!


Rachel Bozorth said...

Has it occurred to you that you might feel emotionally drained *because* it is the weekend, and your expectations of the weekend are huge -- and you know it can't all happen in one weekend. Sounds kind of emotionally draining to me....

Rachel Bozorth said...

Also, you are seriously going to town in your garden. I think you need to pace yourself. Take a nap.