Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Poetic musings on a holly tree

I have officially begun my seed starting madness. I only have one flat of leeks so far, but have oh-so-many plans. The weekend and Monday was really beautiful, so I took advantage and pruned everything in my path. Hopefully the hydrangeas will still flower!! I just couldn't stop myself, all the while thinking, "is this the kind you prune in spring or fall?". I have many battle scars to prove the roses are done. All the brush is in a pile waiting to be burned. I saved a bit of a rose to try and propagate. I have never done roses, and the name of this one is alluding me right now. It was lovely to be outside, though. But while I'm working I am making a long mental list of things to do. Move this plant there, build a greenhouse there, expand the veg garden this way, dig holes for apple trees, get straw, plant grass, rake debris, edge beds, divide plants, on and on. And then I think "Why do I do this to myself? Why does ANYONE do this? It is tortureous, yet I cannot stop!!". Isn't that the way addictions work?

So this is a photo of the garden in the winter. I'm not sure the exact date, but it was in January. I took some photos last week that I will post later. The fenced in area in the background is the veg garden that I want to expand. I would LOVE to have a fruit patch. Now I have a corner inside the fence with raspberries (which I also pruned yesterday - ouch!), but they tend to grow into everything else.

I am keeping watch on the Lenten Roses, they have huge buds. I have lots of self-seeded tiny babies that I will pot up and perhaps plant under the dreaded holly tree. UGGGHH-- now that I mentioned it :

MY HATRED OF THE HOLLY TREE - Oh, how I hate you, horrendous holly tree. You are a confused freak of nature, the rock in my shoe. Your twisted, knarled branches drop spikey, sharp leaves that litter my lawn like so many yellow-colored spinefish. Poison spews forth from the suckers sent up that try to live!! HA! HA! I cut them down to the ground and spit on the remains.

So poetic, don't you think? Obviously, I have a problem with this tree. Just when I am ready to work in the perennial bed and do fun relaxing spring things, it drops its leaves everywhere,over weeks and weeks. And who rakes all these leaves so that we can have a nice green lawn?? ME of course, me. Husband likes this stupid tree because it is BIG. Big deal, I say. Then you rake. He won't, of course. enough for now. I will keep you posted on the comings and goings of this wart of a tree.

Weather: rainy, cloudy

Temp: 52 F

1 comment:

Rachel Bozorth said...

Hi, sister. I love your poem about the holly tree. I have similar sentiments about mine. Except mine don't stare me in the face every time I leave the house. Maybe you should get some therapy to deal with your feelings about the holly.

Meanwhile, my relationship with the library copy of "Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs" is starting to feel a little unhealthy. I'm getting depressed because, although I have read every single entry, I can't seem to find the perfect evergreen for the understory in my backyard. I'm getting a little obsessive. Maybe a hemlock? But they are prone to a parasite, and I don't know if I can deal with my anxiety over that.

Anyhoo, love your blog. You are truly the woman.