Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are We Going Downtown?????

Well, I've done it now. We had a small car accident last night. I rear-ended a pick-up truck (with a tow hitch) and busted my fender and headlight. I have noone to blame but myself. I feel like a turd. I had the girls with me, and they were pretty freaked out. Especially when the police came. And then a K-9 unit stopped as well. ?????? I don't know. But the dog was barking his head off. Maddie was panicked, and at one point she said, "are they taking us downtown?"!! We watch too much 70's tv. So I am upset with myself, kicking myself, thrashing myself. It's not like we don't have enough bills right now. JP is out of town, so I had to call him and tell him. He took it pretty well. I wish I could take it as well.....

1 comment:

Rachel Bozorth said...

So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you're okay. I would be upset with myself, too. Everybody goofs once in a while, so you should be safe for the time being.

Matt and I got a good laugh out of Maddie's "downtown" comment. She is too much.

A "Sarah Swope" tip for using cloth napkins: give everyone their own napkin ring (different colors, for example) - through which they pull their napkin at the end of the meal - so everybody knows which one is theirs for the day! I think this might even be what napkin rings are for.

Love you.